Conservative & Endodontics
  • Fillings 
  • Root Canal Treatments
  • Post & Core Build-Ups
  • Inlays & Onlays (metal, ceramic or indirect composite)

A dental restoration or dental filling is a dental restorative material used to restore the function, integrity and morphology of missing tooth structure. Materials used may be gold, amalgam, dental composites, glass ionomer cement, porcelain or any number of other materials.



Endodontic therapy is a sequence of treatment for the pulp of a tooth which results in the elimination of infection and protection of the decontaminated tooth from future microbial invasion. This set of procedures is commonly referred to as a "root canal. Endodontic therapy involves the removal of these structures, the subsequent shaping, cleaning, and decontamination of the hollows with tiny files and irrigating solutions, and the obturation (filling) of the decontaminated canals with an inert filling such as gutta percha. 


A post and core is a dental restoration, which is used to sufficiently restore a tooth morphology followed by future restoration such as a crown, when there is no an adequate part of tooth hard tissue regarding to the required clinical indication of the case, due to loss of tooth structure as a result ofdecay, fracture or other causes. Post and cores can be referred as one of the foundation restorations.